Omsk Carbon Group Visits Plast Eurasia

Omsk Carbon Group confirmed compliance of its quality management system with the requirements of IATF 16949

Omsk Carbon Group celebrated its anniversary

Omsk Carbon Group took part in the RUPLASTICA - 2024 exhibition in Moscow

Omsk Carbon Group has successfully passed the assessment for compliance with the IATF 16949 automotive standard

Representatives of Omsk Carbon Group visited the largest industrial exhibition

Omsk Carbon Group continues to develop partnership relations with the best universities in the country

The employees of Omsk Carbon Group took part in the Interplastica-2022 international exhibition

For the first time, corporate exhibition stand was prepared.

A meeting of production workers from all three sites of Omsk Carbon Group was held in Volgograd

Omsk Carbon Black is recognized as one of the best employers in Russia

The online recruiting platform published the annual rating results. 

Omsk Carbon Black is again included in top-10 largest taxpayers of the Omsk region

Omsk Carbon Mogilev has produced its first thousand ton of products

The production began with the most popular carbon black grade that is widely used to manufacture the car tires.

Company news

Omsk Metropolitan Vladimir Visits Omsk Carbon Group

The clergyman met with the company’s staff members on August 1.

Company news

Omsk Carbon Group Celebrates 75th Anniversary

Company news

OCG and Science: Cooperation on Long-Standing Basis

An agreement will enhance the company’s position in the global carbon black market.

Company news

Best Employees Awarded at Omsk Carbon Group

Company news

Omsk Carbon Mogilev to Undergo Expert Reexamination

Company news

Omsk Carbon Group is among the largest taxpayers in the Omsk Region in the first quarter of 2019

Company news

Omsk Carbon Group Installs Advanced Equipment at Mogilev Plant

An advanced automated industrial emission control system has already been purchased and will be installed at the plant.


Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Company news

Omsk Carbon Group Takes Part in DKT Trade Fair in Germany

The company has summarized the results of its participation in a rubber trade exhibition, which completed its work in Nuremberg.

Company news

Getting Ready First Stage of Omsk Carbon Group Plant in Belarus

The Russian embassy in the Republic of Belarus has held talks on the terms and timing of completing plant construction as well as international prospects for implementing this project.

Company news

Omsk Carbon Group Breaks Records

Omsk Carbon Group strengthened its presence in the world carbon black market in the first quarter of 2018

Company news

Audits Passed Successfully

April 20 was the final date of a management system recertification audit

Company news

Omsk Carbon Group Develops International Cooperation

February has seen an annual meeting between top management of Omsk Carbon Group and the Directors of overseas logistical centers.

Company news

Omsk Carbon Group is About to Launch First Stage of its Plant in Belarus

A working meeting between OCG management and Vladimir SEMASHKO, the Vice Premier Minister of Belarus, took place on February 3 in Mogilev.


Happy New Year 2018 and Merry Christmas!

We wish business prosperity and success to all partners of the Omsk Carbon Group.

Company news

Omsk Carbon Group European Offices Celebrate their First Anniversary

In October, the German Town of Waltrop, where the European office of Omsk Carbon Group is located, have seen a special event marking the fifth year of operations by the German and Romanian offices in overseas markets.

Company news

Omsk Carbon Group Takes Part in Elastomer Conference

We have summed up the results of the Russian company’s participation in the international conference, which took place in Cleveland (USA) in October.


Nokian Produces 100 million Tires in Russia

The Nokian Tyres Russian plant located in Vsevolozhsk, Leningrad Region, has produced its 100 millionth tire since the beginning of its operations


Omsk Carbon Canada will take part in the US conference

From 9 to 12 October 2017, Omsk Carbon Canada Limited will take part in the largest annual exhibition International Elastomer Conference in the United States.

Company news

Omsk Carbon Group to Invest in Omsk Plant Upgrading More than RUB1.5 bn over 4 years


Omsk Carbon Group Awarded for Contribution into Investment

Company news

Omsk Carbon to start production at Mogilev plant next year

Valeriy Kaplunat, Chairman of the Board of Directors, Omsk Carbon Group, has shared updates on the construction progress of a plant in the Republic of Belarus.

Company news

Modernization is an ongoing process

Omsk Carbon Group is aware of the importance of comfortable living in the surrounding areas, systematically engaged in the modernization of production

Company news

Spring Audits were a Success

In March, the results of a Quality Management System audit by the TÜV SÜD certification body were summarized at the Omsk production site.


In Omsk Carbon Group celebrated a professional holiday

The company held a solemn meeting of the team, timed to the Day of Chemist

Company news

OCG Takes the Lead Again!

For the third year in a row, the company has topped a rating of the Omsk Region’s companies by the Federal State Statistics Service

Company news

Omsk Carbon Group: study industrial logistics

Representatives of Omsk Carbon Group took part in the 22nd international exhibition of transport and logistics services and technologies TransRussia-2017

Company news

Feedback: Always a Reciprocal Process

Managers and employees of OCG’s offices in Germany, Romania, Turkey, Canada and the USA took part in an extended operational meeting, held in Omsk from February 13 through 21.

Company news

Omsk Carbon Group congratulates its partners on the Day of Russian Science

Representatives of the JAG took part in the celebrations and sent congratulatory addresses to the rectors of the leading universities of the city - partners of the enterprise.


OCG participated at İstanbul 9th Rubber Industry Fair

From 24 to 27 November 2016 in Istanbul (Turkey) was the international exhibition of the rubber industry İstanbul 9th ​​Rubber Industry Fair.


Omsk Carbon Group participation in the investment forum "Mill of Success 2016"

Omsk Carbon Group took part in the VIII International Investment Forum "Mill of Success"

Company news

OCG Makes Purchasing Automatic Using Electronic Trading Facility

The company has relied on an electronic trading facility (ETF) by B2B-Center for the purchasing of necessary products and services.<br>


Omsk Carbon Group Takes Part in K-Trade Fair 2016

From 19 to 26 October 2016 in Düsseldorf (Germany) will host an international exhibition K-Trade Fair. Omsk Carbon Group will be represented by its Europe division - Omsk Carbon Europe GmbH.


Omsk Carbon Group Takes Part in International Elastomer Conference 2016

From 10 to 13 October 2016 in Pittsburgh (USA) will host an international conference elastomers International Elastomer Conference.

Company news

Carbon Black Plant in Belarus: Construction is Under Way

The construction progress of Omsk Carbon Group’s third production site – a carbon black plant – was discussed in Mogilev.

Омск Карбон Групп посетила международную конференцию в Японии

Omsk Carbon Group Develops International Cooperation

February has seen an annual meeting between top management of Omsk Carbon Group and the Directors of overseas logistical centers.


The conference aimed to reflect on the results of the work and discuss prospects for company development in Europe, North America, the Balkans and the Middle East.

In its own way, Omsk Carbon Group is a unique project, which poses special challenges to personnel. The company’s management have repeatedly mentioned that overseas colleagues are instrumental in the success of the entire group’s operations. Therefore, common understanding of goals and development prospects is crucial to ensuring effective interaction and building a tight-knit team. The visitors were colleagues representing Omsk Carbon Group abroad: Tomasz CELKA and Sven KNOPIK in Europe, Vasile POPESCU in Romania, Helena SUMCHENKO in Turkey and Magda FARID in Canada. The international colleagues met with specialists in such fields as sales, logistics, marketing, finance and quality assurance and were involved in discussions on compliance with the International Financial Reporting Standards and transfer pricing regulations.

The event program also included a visit to the Omsk Production Site, with points of interest being main shops and the Quality Control Lab, where the guests were demonstrated tests for the conformity of carbon black to international ASTM requirements.

Sven KNOPIK summed up some of the financial figures for the logistics center in Germany: — With over 40 staff members, our turnover for the year is around EUR80 million, and the quantity of the material sold for the year exceeds 100,000 tons. We were successful in increasing the turnover by 30% and ramping up our supply volumes. Our plans involve growing sales volumes further and beginning the supply of specialty blacks. I believe we will focus more on working with Italy and France. We have already entered those countries’ markets, but on a small scale. Following the launch of an OCG plant in Belarus, we will be able to offer more products. Romania’s center representing Omsk Carbon Group in the Balkan region was established six years ago. According to Vasile POPESCU, the office’s Manager: — Maintaining stable supply to the Balkan market as well as the reputation of a reliable partner has remained our key goal. As regards the mid-term and long-term, the Romanian office seeks to strengthen its role in achieving the common goal of Omsk Carbon Group - increasing the market share so that the company can become one of the five largest carbon black producers worldwide by 2022.

Magda FARID shared plans and prospects of the Canadian office: —We are currently focused on improving internal efficiency, expanding the customer base and enhancing our relationships with new customers. We have recently participated in an expo, where we held meetings with potential customers. We can see a huge potential in the North American market. Our company has generated interest, and our products are in demand. Helena SUMCHENKO, leading the operations of the Turkish logistical center, finds the Asian market interesting and promising. The construction of a number of major tire plants is underway there, which will give an impetus for developing supply in the future. —Financial centers are shifting to the Southeast Asia, with more than 35% of carbon black consumed there. We have experience in sales to the markets of Sri Lanka, India and Vietnam and intend to start supply to Malaysia. We are looking forward to the completion of our third plant. Like our colleagues, we too feel demand for our products. My task is to develop a vision for that market by the end of the year, Helena said.

After the week spent in Siberia, the overseas center managers noted: “The trip has become useful. It has inspired us with the feeling of shared interests, team spirit, creative energy and willingness to implement new projects”. The business program of the weekdays was completed by colorful weekend events. The guests witnessed the end of the Cheese Fare Week, with the treats including Russian pancakes and tea, took a walk in the old-growth woods of Chernoluchie, had a deer-drawn sleigh-ride and visited a monastery church in Bolshekulachie.